Sunday, March 13, 2011

Over Thinking Can RUIN Your Day... Today Determines Tomorrow

Think About It (Pun Intended). Many people sit and worry far too much, Thus creating excess stress. What they have to do today, Who has been getting on their nerves, Not wanting to go to a particular event, Not wanting to finish a certain task , Whose going to help them with their problems, Etc. Or they think about the past and feel happy,  Sometimes they even feel regretful. Happy about certain situations and times that were favorable, Yet unhappy when times didn't go their way, What they liked or what they could have changed. STOP right there!!! All those thoughts can easily seep in and become overwhelming, BUT the only time you have is now, RIGHT NOW. Preparation comes more so from DOING. Now a small amount of thought is ok to get you an outline of your plans, but over analyzing leads to worry, regret, guilt, anxiousness, and over excitement. All are useless emotions. The best way to avoid all the excess "Noise" is to focus on the task AT HAND, Because tomorrow when it comes will be NOW, Yesterday was yesterdays NOW....What seems to work very well for me is taking a small time out of my day every morning to sit and close my eyes, just feel myself being present in the moment. If a thought or task pops in my head I push it out by thinking of a relaxing place or breathing in deeply and breathing it out. This helps prepare for my day and right after I write down what will be done and go straight to work on it, Without ANY hesitation. Now everything can go on at a nice pace. Try it! Your attitude will be focused on what your are doing at the moment NOT on what you have to do next. Extra thoughts won't cloud your view. You can knock out each task by being present and enjoying the PROCESS instead of always thinking about the results. You'll have put 110% into each interaction, job, task, and present moment instead of scurrying through everything giving only some of your attention, leading to a half ass job...Others will notice your focus and great opportunities will seem to pop up more often, Leading to everything from better friendships, New relationships, More business opportunities and a better outlook on life!