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TrendSetters Elite Fall Collection Available Now! Click Shop

The Cool Weather Is Coming, Be Prepared w/ New Tees, Hoodies, Crewnecks, Ski Caps And More!

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Best Kept Secret Tee

Now Available At Our Online Shop!

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Practice Makes Perfect!

Every day is an opportunity to do something new and exciting. Some are aware if this, while others need to "wipe off their lenses". The thing is to just start becoming aware. One of the best ways is to pay attention to something you want to accomplish. Whether it be something small or BIG, and once you find it the hardest part is to start. Usually most people avoid something until it takes up mental space in your head and whenever you think about it you cringe at the thought of doing it. Well, guess what, its as simple as just STARTING.
The reason is because many people focus on the results instead of the process. Every thing you do has a beginning a middle and end. When you focus on the process you have the opportunity to see yourself grow. Most of the time the only roadblock was the one in your head. After you get past that there is a sort of heighten awareness and you tend to get swept up in what you are doing, with focus you get ideas, you tune into more opportunities and get a sense of accomplishment out of the process. Once this happens you truly understand that the process is a way of building your character. You develop a positive belief because you act with confidence from the process. The next step is to repeat this thought process with any of your tasks, goals, or dreams regularly on a consistent  basis. All this will show in the results, and you can guarantee the result will show to others as well as show through you!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Super x Cool Cats

Italian Eyewear Company SUPER Team Up With Cool Cats (Based Out Of Paris). If You Ever Seen The Brand Check Out The Logo! These Glasses Contain Everything To Bring The Shades From The Logo To Life, Containing The Square Lens, A Silver Stripe In Each Lens (Mind You They Are Hand Crafted) And Finally A Cool Cats Logo On The Arms... Great Work And Attention To Detail...Elite Ish!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Blueprint For Wealth (And Not Just Of The Pockets)

Recently with this last release I noticed much success from our "TSE Generals" Tee on the net and word of mouth, Naturally I go back to the drawing board, and thats usually back to literally working on more artwork or going deeper into improving myself  because in my opinion being a sharper me will keep my thoughts keen on what is going right, which will trickle down into more focus and a sharper TrendSetters Elite for everyone. So going  through my day to day much of the time I'm focused on learning, improving, empowering, helping, and figuring out the game of life. For years I've been into self improvement books, tapes, videos, activities, seminars, and ideas. I think once you get into them you realize a constant learning is what you fall in love with and better results are achieved. This information I am sharing with you is an accumulation of many of the things I've learned, experienced and even unlearned (Yes I said unlearned). Recently I've refocused much of my efforts with TrendSetters Elite Clothing Co and seem to have found a good improvement in my results because of this refocus. And best of all my efforts are more fulfilling then ever! I'll explain as much as I can in this entry.
  Now for growth to happen within our family life, business life, relationships, and other aspects of our lives it would seem to be common sense to pay attention and improve on the positive areas, and do away with areas that aren't beneficial to growth and reaching our full potential in whichever of those area. Although that sounds easy many of us tend to put our focus on why things aren't good in certain areas. Which isn't a bad thing if its briefly, just to figure how to solve the problem. YET it is detrimental if we dwell upon them regularly. There is a way to change these thoughts, and thus lead to unlocking our full potential for improving our family, friendships, and even how we earn money! Now I know your thinking, "Tell me how do I do this" Which I will in this blog, BUT first I will tell you WHY you are doing this. Im going to put it in a few examples to better explain these thoughts and ways to change your results from what you are receiving to what results you dream of receiving!
First, Don't be offended by anything I will be saying, Some of this information will be generalized and in no way am I talking down to any persons' situation. Some of the time you will see that these habits or thoughts apply to you or someone close to you. Second many of you will feel that you don't want to believe, and that is fine, You don't have to read on, but to those that do be openminded and be aware of the habits that do apply to you and retrain yourself for success.  
Now to the root...
Throughout our lives we learn much of our ideas from other peoples thinking. We hear things from teachers, parents, friends, television shows, and so on and take them to be the only truths. We hear generalizations and stereotypes from others that with time (and repetition) we start to subconsciously believe. In the subject of family, we may have heard things like "The man is supposed to work and earn the income and a woman's place is at home" or "Only a man can raise a boy" or "Children should work hard to get good grades and go to college". In the subject of money you may have heard things like "Don't get a credit card they are bad" or "Save for a rainy day" or "Wealthy people are greedy" or "Get a great job and you will be secure". Now all these things may have been beneficial (or not beneficial) to the people who told you them. Most of the time their situations: relationship wise, finance wise, and family wise will reveal if it was or wasn't.  Yet even still there are a lot of factors that make them not so applicable to you. 
Over time, with the repetition of hearing these patterns of thoughts, we start to subconsciously believe them and what we think tends to trickle down into our actions. What we hear consciously we can accept or reject, but what we hear and think that is repeated (especially in our younger years) over time will be embedded into our subconscious and we CAN'T reject what goes into our subconscious. Then what happens is we start to put into action (unknowingly) what is in our subconscious. This applies for what we hear, what we see and what we feel. So for example if we SEEN our parents and others working for money, we generally will decide to work for money, again unknowingly doing it because its what was embedded into our subconscious as the way to earn money. Or hearing "Save for a rainy day" we eventually get into a habit of managing our money in savings accounts, or safe ways of holding onto. These things can be beneficial for many, the masses. if your goal is to be secure, or comfortable it is ok. BUT if your goal is to thrive and not just survive, and unlock your potential in any area you have to reprogram your mind. I've heard it called changing your blueprint. The way to do that is to first focus on your goal in the specific area, then do away with the "old" blueprint and write a new one. Then once that is done, put the new one in front of you constantly, so you repeatedly see, hear, and most importantly FEEL the new blueprint. So back to the examples, if you've seen your parents working for money and you have other plans to have more freedom or work for yourself put pictures in your house of yourself on vacation as your screen saver or around your house, record yourself explaining how excited you are that you started a business that you are passionate about because it has lead you to financial freedom and lead to a life that you feel you control. FEEL yourself in the house you will attain when this goal is reached, or the store, or the car you will be driving. Really feel it! If you want to change your thoughts on just saving your money but having it work for you, think first positively. So back to the example "Save for a rainy day" First why would you save for a rainy day? That is a negative statement, are you expecting a dull gloomy day to come where everything will go wrong and you will have to spend your life savings? Make the thought positive, save for an AMAZING opportunity would be a better reference. Now repeat this by sight, and hearing and feeling. Now every time you save a dollar, five, or 10 million you will also think of good opportunities to use the cash for (Hopefully something that will be an asset which will make your money grow even larger).
All of these ways of changing you're thinking help you to develop new ways to think more for yourself and not from dogmatic views. The new ways are now YOUR ways of thinking, and all this will trickle down to your actions, people will feel what your passion is because you subconsciously have habits that work towards your ideal life. In any aspect of life this works, it creates confidence in how you speak, how you walk. Your actions have a purpose, to benefit you,  your family, your community, each person you come in contact with. You become someone who naturally gives off a aura, a person who is committed, dedicated, empowering. A person who has more control of what happens in their life, and not just is at "effect" of life. Living like this everyday is not an obstacle, it is a step towards your full potential...and to think it can begin with just one NEW thought in which you see, hear and feel and most of all that is YOUR thought! 

Hope this is beneficial, its what I've learned, experienced and can see working in my life. Im sure if you put some of it into use it will provide good towards yours.