Friday, September 9, 2011

Pay It Forward!


     About a year ago today a few friends of mine and I were eating out, conversing about TSE and ideas to get our first designs out, and how we could contribute to other groups with the mindset of helping grow a business as well as contribute good to their community. After our meal we went to pay and to our surprise the waitress explained to us that the lady across at the other table,whom none of us had known, overheard our conversation and decided to pay for our meal. Now we knew somewhat of the concept but it encouraged us from that day to learn more and put into our habits the idea of "Paying It Forward".  "Pay It Forward"is an expression that is used to describe the idea of asking a good turn be repaid by having it done to others instead. We wanted to get into the habit of contributing to another persons day with just the simplest gesture. We even talked to the extent of having a special day dedicated to it. 
    So from time to time we notice the deeds being done and today another gesture happened to open my eyes to the talk we had a year ago. Someone at a local carwash I was at left a few dollars to whomever came to that bay next, and it just so happened to be me. I was very impressed by the gesture so I did the same for the next person. Now what Im getting at is that with such a small gesture of kindness the feeling I received from knowing that there are others out there in the community that understand that this concept was amazing. The whole thing behind Paying It Forward is to encourage others to help their fellow man to contribute to the next. It may be seem small but with the cooperation of others it can grow to make a big difference in many peoples lives and habits. That is the power of individuals working to make change for the better, which is a great thing. So any opportunity you have today, Pay It Forward no matter how small or big you think it may be.