Friday, March 16, 2012

Morty Lefkoe On Limiting Beliefs

What the majority of the populations may not understand is that to acquire something in the physical world you have to have a mindset that is aimed at attracting and more so creating thoughts, habits,  and actions that manifest the desired result. You first have to have a mental picture of what it is you want to create, whether it be a new partner, a successful business, a happy family environment, a new home. All these things first have to be seen, because as humans whats seen creates far stronger of a spiritual attachment then whats heard. Next we have to believe and put consistently build on this idea that this ideal is reality. Any person whom has accomplished great achievements can attest to the fact that they seen, felt and believed in what they wanted before anything, they created the habit of improving on that idea and put visuals, affirmations, and energy into making it a reality. After that it seemed to almost "fall" into their laps. Serendipity seemed to take over and opportunities arose, in part because they trained themselves and their minds to focus on what was already at hand and on opportunities to grow what they implemented daily.
Now many people that start out also come across small roadblocks that are actually easier to get past, those roadblocks are Limiting Beliefs. You can have all the tools set in place but if you have Limiting Beliefs then all those tools are going to waste. its like driving a Ferrari w/ sludge in the engine, yes its a Ferrari, its fast exotic and beautiful, but what good if it doesn't perform to the peak of its ability! Your brain is no different. Take the sludge out and eliminate those Limiting Beliefs. Here is part 1 of 5 (Go to YouTube to view the whole installment) of a great interview done by Morty Lefkoe on Limiting Beliefs, in which he is coaching one of the best speakers in the industry on his Limiting Beliefs and teaching him to realize a belief is not the truth and how to unlock his potential...